Saturday, August 3, 2019

How to Pass the Neuro-Psychiatric Exam

The  Neuro-Psychiatric Examination tests the mental stability, adaptability and psychological functioning of applicants before they are being recruited into service. The purpose of the exam is to filter applicants if they are really suitable for the uniformed services of the government. It is one of the most decisive parts of the recruitment process in the PNP, BFP, BJMP, BuCor and all the branches of the AFP. In fact,  only 25% of the applicants pass the Neuro-Psychiatric exam, making it the most dreaded part of the application process.
The  Neuro-Psychiatric Exam is comprised of two parts- the written and the personal interview. It includes a 35-item Aptitude (Adaptation) Test, Guilford Zimmerman Temperament Survey, Applicant Risk Profiler, The Industrial Sentence Completion Test, Work Environment Preference Schedule (WEPS), Hand Test, and the “Drawing”. Sounds scary, right? Well, here are some tips and pieces of advice to help you pass this crucial part of your application. Please read on.

6 Important Tips to Pass the Neuro-Psychiatric Exam

Are you still searching for ways on how to successfully hurdle this important part of your application? Check these important tips on how to pass the Neuro-Psychiatric Exam like a boss.

1. Follow instructions

In every exam, following the instructions is as important as knowing the right answer to every question. Knowing how to follow instructions is a good indicator that you will be a good policeman, fireman, jail officer, or a soldier as these services require utmost compliance to instructions. When you are told to write your name in block capitals, do it exactly as you are told.

2. Manage your time during the exam

Like what I’ve said earlier, the Aptitude or what we call the IQ test is composed of 35 questions. You have to answer all these questions in only 15 minutes. That means you only have two minutes to answer each item. The proctors are strict regarding the time limit so never think that they will give you time extension. The trick is to answer the easy questions first then go back to difficult items in case you still have time. This way, you can maximize the time and increase your chances of completing the test.

3. Be consistent with your answers

Be mindful of your answers in every question of the exam. Always remember your answer in a particular question because you will be asked similar and related questions in the next following items. You have to be always consistent with your answers. Inconsistent answers may indicate that you are untruthful and just telling lies.

4. Learn how to draw

When I say learn how to draw, it does not mean you have to be like Michaelangelo or Da Vinci. If you are told to draw people, do not draw stick figures. Draw people with complete parts like ears, eyes, hairs, fingers, and the likes. Draw them with happy faces. Make evident distinctions between male and female e.g., mustache for male and long hair for female. After that, you describe each drawing or make a story of it in 4-5 sentences. Some of the concepts included here are tricky, and everything being drawn could mean something to the psychologists, therefore, be careful.

5. Hone your English skills

Sometimes, the exam may include essay exercises. The purpose is to evaluate the incident reporting skills of the applicants. Practice your English writing skills, be precise and pay attention to the grammar rules.

6. Prepare for the interview

The final part of the exam is the one-on-one interview with a psychologist to assess how you will present yourself under pressure. Answer all the question with wit, consistency, and fluency. Do not make unnecessary body and hand movements or gestures during the interview. Be snappy and stand firm when talking. Lastly, always be humble.

To wrap it up

The neuro-psychiatric test wants to know if you have a mindset of an average person. Do not pretend that you are an extraordinary one and just be yourself. Be consistent on your answers, bring out the good in yourself and do not show any violence in your words. Lastly, never leave anything unanswered. Those unanswered questions might determine the result of the neuro-psych either you are RECOMMENDED or NOT RECOMMENDED. Good luck and may the odds be in your favor.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Latin Legal Terms

Latin Legal Terms

The definition list below gives Latin to English translations for the most commonly used latin law terms.


Ab extra

Definition: From outside

Ab inito

Definition: From The beginning

Accessorius sequitur

Definition: One who is an accessory to the crime cannot be guilty of a more serious crime than the principal offender

Actus reus

Definition: A guilty deed or act

Ad hoc

Definition: For this purpose

Ad infinitum

Definition: For ever, without limit, To infinity


Definition: At another place, Elsewhere


Definition: From elsewhere, or, from a different source

Amicus curiae

Definition: A friend of the court


Definition: Before


Bona Fide

Definition: Sincere, In good faith

Bona vacantia

Definition: Goods without an owner


Cadit quaestio

Definition: The matter admits of no further argument


Definition: Originally a writ from a High Court to a lower Court

Ceteris peribus

Definition: Other things being equal


Definition: Unanimously or, by general consent

Consensus ad idem

Definition: Agreement as to the same things


Definition: To the contrary

Contra bonos mores

Definition: Contrary to good morals

Coram non judice

Definition: Before one who is not a judge


Definition: Body

Corpus delicti

Definition: The body of the offence

Custos morum

Definition: A guardian of morals


De bonis asportatis

Definition: Of goods carried away

De die in diem

Definition: From day to day

De facto

Definition: In fact

De futuro

Definition: In the future

De integro

Definition: As regards the whole

De jure

Definition: Rightful, by right

De novo

Definition: Starting afresh

Doli incapax

Definition: Incapable of crime


Definition: Ownership


Definition: Doubting the correctness of the decision


Ei incumbit probatio qui

Definition: The onus of proving a fact rests upon the man

Et cetera

Definition: Other things of that type

Ex cathedra

Definition: With official authority

Ex concessis

Definition: In view of what has already been accepted

Ex facie

Definition: On the fact of it

Ex gratia

Definition: Out of kindness, voluntary

Ex parte

Definition: Proceeding brought by one person in the absence of another

Ex post facto

Definition: By reason of a subsequent act



Definition: Something which is to be done


Definition: An act or deed

Fructus naturales

Definition: Vegetation which grows naturally without cultivation



Definition: The same person or thing

Id est (i.e)

Definition: That is

In camera

Definition: In private

In delicto

Definition: At fault


Definition: Marks, signs

In esse

Definition: In existence

In extenso

Definition: At full length

In futoro

Definition: In the future

In limine

Definition: At the outset, on the threshold

In loco parentis

Definition: In place of the parent

In omnibus

Definition: In every respect

In pleno

Definition: In full

In situ

Definition: In its place

Inter alia

Definition: Amongst other things


Definition: Temporary, in the meanwhile

In terrorem

Definition: As a warning or deterrent

Ipsissima verba

Definition: The very words of a speaker

Ipso facto

Definition: By that very fact



Definition: A right that is recognised in law

Jus naturale

Definition: Natural justice


Locus in quo

Definition: Scene of the event


Magnum opus

Definition: A great work of literature

Mala fides

Definition: Bad faith

Mens rea

Definition: Guilty state of mind


Nemo dat quod non habet

Definition: On one can give a better title than he has


Definition: Connection


Definition: Unless

Non compus mentis

Definition: Not of sound mind and understanding

Non constat

Definition: It is not certain

Non est factum

Definition: It is not his deed

Non sequitur

Definition: An inconsistent statement, it does not follow


Onus probandi

Definition: Burden of proof


Definition: Otherwise


Par delictum

Definition: Equal fault

Pari passu

Definition: On an equal footing

Per curiam

Definition: In the opinion of the court

Per minas

Definition: By means of menaces or threats

Per quod

Definition: By reason of which

Post mortem

Definition: After death

Prima facie

Definition: On the face of it

Prima impressionis

Definition: On first impression

Pro hac vice

Definition: For this occasion

Pro rata

Definition: In proportion

Pro tanto

Definition: So far, to that extent

Pro tempore

Definition: For the time being

Publici juris

Definition: Of public right



Definition: Consider whether it is correct


Definition: The question is raised


Definition: How much, an amount

Quid pro quo

Definition: Consideration. something for something



Definition: In the matter of


Definition: Matter, affair, thing, circumstance

Res Gestae

Definition: The thing done

Res nulis

Definition: Nobody's property



Definition: Knowingly


Definition: The legal position is different, it is otherwise

Se defendendo

Definition: In self defence


Definition: Do not delete, let it stand

Sub modo

Definition: Within limits

Sub nomine

Definition: Under the name of

Sub silentio

Definition: In silence

Suggestio falsi

Definition: The suggestion of something which is untrue

Sui generis

Definition: Unique

Suppressio veri

Definition: The suppression of the truth


Talis qualis

Definition: Such as it is


Uberrima fides

Definition: Good faith

Uno flatu

Definition: At the same moment, with one breath



Definition: Word by word, exactly

Vice versa

Definition: The other way around


Definition: See


Definition: Willing

Latin Word/Phrase
Literal Translation
Sample Sentence
a priorifrom the formerSupposed to be true without proof; occurring or being known beforehand.We know a priori that matter exists; the question is–how did it come into being?
ad hocto thisImprovised on the spot or for a specific, immediate purpose.The committee was formed ad hoc to address increasing crime in the neighborhood.
ad hominemto/at the manA logical fallacy in which the person rather than his argument is attacked.Ad hominem attack ads are all too common during campaign season.
ad infinitumto infinityGoing on forever.Because pi is an irrational number, the digits after the decimal continue ad infinitum.
ad nauseamto the point of disgustAlternative to ad infinitum; repeating until it makes one sick.Tom complained ad nauseam about his new job.
alibielsewhereA legal defense where a defendant seeks to show that he was elsewhere when the crime was committed.The defendant had clear motive, but his alibi was airtight, so the jury declared him not guilty.
alma maternourishing motherThe school or university from which one graduates.Dad returns to his alma mater every few years for his class reunion.
alter egoanother IAnother self; secret identity.Spiderman’s famous alter ego is wimpy news photographer Peter Parker.
antebellumbefore the warUsually refers to the period before the American Civil War.Even in northern states racism was common during the antebellumperiod.
aurora borealisnorthern lightsA natural light display visible in the night time sky in Arctic regions; the same phenomena in the south is known as the aurora australis.Even after twenty years of living in northern Alaska, Carol never ceased to be astonished by the sudden beauty of the aurora borealis.
Ave MariaHail, MaryCatholic prayer to Mary, the mother of Jesus.My devout sister prays the Ave Maria every night before bed.
bona fidegood faithComing from sincere intentions; genuine, true.The painting is a bona fide Renoir.
caveat emptorlet the buyer bewareThe purchaser is responsible for evaluating the quality and utility of the goods he purchases.The sign over the entrance of the used car dealership – caveat emptor – did not give me confidence.
coram deoin the presence of godThe theological idea that we live ever in the presence of, under the authority of, and to the honor and glory of God.We are never really alone, because all of life is lived coram deo.
corpusbodyContents; or collection of works by an author or artist; a particular collection of artistic works.The corpus of William Shakespeare includes dramatic tragedies, comedies, and histories.
cum laudewith honorA title applied to academic graduates who attain to a level of excellence. Students can also graduate magna cum laude (with great honor) or summa cum laude(with highest honor).Sarah is naturally smart, but it was her dedication to academic study that caused her to graduate summa cum laude.
curriculum vitaecourse of lifeA comprehensive resume listing educational and employment history and qualifications for job seekers.It’s a good idea to present your prospective employer with a copy of your curriculum vitae at the start of a job interview.
de factoin factActually; in reality.The intention of the new law is good, but de facto, it just doesn’t work.
de jureby lawAccording to law; by right.De jure, adultery is illegal in many states, but the laws are never enforced.
deus ex machinaGod from the machineAn unexpected, artificial, or improbable resolution to a plot situation in a work of fiction.The action movie was entertaining, but the ending was an unconvincing deus ex machina.
emeritushaving served one’s timeAn adjective used to denote a retired professor, president, bishop, or other professional; post-retirement status.Today’s speaker is Dr. Ruth Fisher, professor emeritus at Stanford University.
ex librisfrom the booksA phrase often stamped or printed on books to denote ownership; “from the library of.”I am happy to lend my books, but I stamp them “ex libris Tony Danza” so I can get them back.
ex nihiloout of nothingUsually refers to divine creation and the idea that God made the world out of nothing, with no preexisting tools or materials.All men are by nature creative, but only God creates ex nihilo.
ex post factofrom a thing done afterwardUsually  used in a legal context, ex post facto refers to a law that is retroactive, that applies to actions taken prior to the existence of the law.The new law will not apply to previous violators because it cannot be applied ex post facto.
habeas corpushave the bodyA writ ordering a person to appear before a judge, or the right to obtain such a writ as protection against imprisonment without trial.Terrorism suspects often have no right to habeas corpus and can be held indefinitely without trial.
homo sapienwise manHuman; the scientific name for the human species.There is some question about whether or not the fossilized skeleton is homo sapien.
in loco parentisin place of a parentIn legal terms, assuming the authority and responsibilities of a parent.While at school, your teachers serve in loco parentis.
in medias resin the middle of thingsA literary technique where the telling of the story begins in the middle rather than at the beginning.Epic poems often begin in medias res and explain the earlier parts of the story via dialogue.
in totoin totalCompletely; totally, all together.Even though lots of things went wrong, in toto, the event was a success.
in vitroin glassRefers to studies done on organisms isolated from their normal biological surroundings; commonly called test tube studies or experiments.
ipso factoby the fact itselfAs a direct consequence or effect of the action in question; in and of itself.Steve was swerving and driving too slow; ipso facto, he was pulled over and tested for driving under the influence.
magnum opusgreat workThe largest, best, or greatest achievement of an artist.His ninth symphony is considered Beethoven’s magnum opus.
mea culpamy faultMy mistake; my fault; an admission of guilt or responsibility.The football player made a televised  mea culpaafter his disgraceful public behavior.
non sequiterit does not followA logical fallacy where the conclusion does not reasonably follow from the premise; or, in literature, an irrelevant, often humorous response to a comment.Overall, your argument is convincing, but your point about public education was a non-sequiter.
Pax Romanaroman peaceA period in history, during the dominance of the Roman empire in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD, when relative peace reigned and little expansion of the Empire took place.Christianity spread rapidly during the Pax Romana.
per capitaby headsPer person; a ratio by the number of persons.Each year, Americans eat about 135 pounds of sugar per capita.
per diemper dayA daily allowance for expenses.On my trip to Philadelphia, the company gave me a $100 per diem.
per sethrough itselfIn itself; by itself; without reference to anything else.Eating salt isn’t bad per se, but consuming too much carries various health risks.
persona non gratanot-pleasing personAn unwelcome, unwanted, or undesirable person.After I broke Aunt Wilma’s antique vase, I was persona non-grata at the Thomas home.
postmortemafter deathAfter death.Officials determined the death was accidental after a postmortemexamination.
prima facieat first sightOften refers to evidence in a trial that suggests but does not prove guilt.Even though the prima facie evidence was strong, the defendant’s innocence became clear as the trial wore on.
pro bonofor goodWork undertaken voluntarily without compensation.The lawyer was so moved by the plight of the workers, he defended their case pro bono.
pro ratafor the rateProportionately or proportional.Extra nights at the hotel are charged pro rata of the weekly rental.
quid pro quowhat for whatThis for that; a thing for a thing; a favor exchanged for favor.After I picked him up at the airport, Larry took me to lunch as a quid pro quo.
quorumof whomThe number of members whose presence is required.Only ten board members showed up, leaving them two short of a quorum.
reby the thingIn the matter of; referring to; regarding.Is this phone call re the recent estate auction?
rigor mortisstiffness of deathThe rigidity that sets in on corpses about three to four hours after death.The police had a hard time removing the briefcase from the victim’s grasp, rigor mortis having set in.
semper fidelesalways faithfulThe motto of the U.S. Marine Corps; sometimes abbreviated semper fi.My uncle, the retired Marine sergeant, has “semper fideles” tattooed on his arm.
sicthusJust so; used to indicate that a preceding quotation is copied exactly, despite any errors of spelling, grammar, or fact.The student wrote “the communists were probly right about some things [sic].”
sola fidefaith aloneOne of the “Five Solas” of the Protestant Reformation that summarize the theology of the reformers. The others are sola scriptura (by Scripture alone), sola gratia (by grace alone), solo Christo (Christ alone), and soli Deo gloria (glory to God alone).An important tenet of Protestantism is the idea of sola fide – that salvation is attained by faith, not works.
status quothe situation in whichThe current condition or situation; the way things are.The protestors were unhappy about the status quo.
subpoenaunder penaltyA request, usually by a court, that must be complied with on pain of punishment.The officer issued me a subpoena to appear in court in June.
tabula rasascraped tabletA blank slate; a clean slate; used figuratively to describe the human mind prior to influential experience.The idea of original sin is at odds with the notion that babies are born with a moral tabula rasa.
terra firmasolid landSolid ground.After eight days at sea, I couldn’t wait to set foot on terra firma.
verbatimword for wordPerfect transcription or quotation.I’m sorry it offends you, but that’s what he said verbatim.
vetoI forbidThe political power to single-handedly stop or make void a law.The bill passed by a slim margin, but the President is likely to veto it.
vice versathe other way aroundThe other way around.Tom is in love with Lorraine and vice versa.
vox populivoice of the peopleIn broadcasting, an unscripted interview with ordinary members of the public.After the controversial trial, networks broadcast numerous vox populiinterviews.
Common Abbreviations
A.D. (Anno Domini)in the Year of the LordThe predominantly used system for dating, indicating years since the birth of Jesus Christ. Years prior to the birth of Christ are normally indicated by BC, an English abbreviation for Before Christ.The Battle of Hastings took place in A.D. 1066.
AM (ante meridiem)before middayIndicates the time from midnight to noon.Normally, I awake at 6 AM.
e.g.(exempli gratia)for the sake of exampleFor example.My favorite movies are Westerns (e.g., High Noon, True Grit, Unforgiven)
et al. (et alii)and othersSimilar to et cetera, to stand for a list of names, particularly in APA and MLA style papers.Defeating the Los Angeles Galaxy – David Beckham, Landon Donovan et al. – in the 2009 MLS Cup final proved possible.
etc. (et cetera)and the restAnd so on; and more.Sylvia purchased pots, pans, utensils, etc. for her new kitchen.
i.e. (id est)that isThat is to say; which means; in other words.Jim encountered Victor, (i.e, his new boss) in the elevator that morning.
ibid. (ibidem)in the same placeUsed in formal citations to refer to the last referenced source.
  1. Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina, 471.
m.o. (modus operandi)method of operatingUsually associated with criminals and their methods of committing crimes.The police suspected Harry Harrison because the crime fit his m.o. perfectly.
PM (post meridiem)after middayThe time between noon and midnight.I will meet you for coffee at 2 PM.
p.s. (post scriptum)after textAfter writing; used to indicated addendums to otherwise completed personal letters.Sincerely,George
p.s., Don’t forget to feed the parrot.
Q.E.D. (quod erat demonstrandum)what was to be demonstratedOften written at the bottom of a mathematical or logical proof, indicating that the proof is complete.“No snakes have legs. That creature has legs. Therefore, the creature is not a snake. Q.E.D.”
R.I.P. (requiescat in pace)rest in peaceA benediction for the dead often appearing on gravestones.Inscribed on his tombstone were the simple words, “Henry Humble, R.I.P.”
vs. or v. (versus)towards; in the directionMistakenly used in English to mean “against,” particularly to indicate opposing parties in legal disputes or athletic events.Today’s main event is Wally Wilson vs. Tony “The Tiger” Thomson.
Quotes and Sayings
carpe diemseize the dayA phrase from a poem by Horace, now an aphorism meaning, “take advantage of life while you can.”The closer I get to old age, the more I realize how important it is to live life with a carpe diemapproach.
Cogito ergo sum.I think, therefore, I amThe famous philosophical proposition by René Descartes. It implies that doubting one’s own existence proves one’s existence.Cogito ergo sum is the foundation of Cartesian thought.
Veni, vidi, vici.I came, I saw, I conqueredA sentence attributed to Julius Caesar upon his conquest of Britain. Quoted by Plutarch.When asked about his recent victory at the U.S. Open, Johns replied, “Veni, vidi, vici!”
e pluribus unumout of many, oneA phrase on the Seal of the United States.Many U.S. coins pay tribute to the melting pot history of the country with the phrase e pluribus unum.
et tu, Brute?and you also, Brutus?Legendarily the last words of Julius Caesar as he realizes that his friend Marcus Brutus was among his murderers.After I joined in the teasing, my brother looked at me with a mock-tragic grin and said, “Et tu, Brute?”
sic semper tyrannisthus always to tyrantsSometimes attributed to Brutus as he participated in the assassination of Julius Caesar. John Wilkes Booth claimed to have shouted this phrase after shooting Abraham Lincoln. The motto of the Commonwealth of Virginia.The historic American resistance to dictatorship is expressed in the common phrase, sic semper tyrannis.

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