Saturday, February 17, 2018

Purpose of Writing a Blog

What is the purpose of writing a blog?

The purpose of writing blogs could be promotion of a product or service, awareness about social issues, information sharing about any subject or purely passion for writing.

The blogging platform, Create a free website or blog has bloggers writing in more than 100 languages, and commonly blogs are written under these categories.

  • Personal: Passion for writing and a subject of choice and a blog is created sharing bloggers likes and dislikes. Blogs themed on family, travel, food, style tips, health, you search it and it’s there.
  • Non-Profits: Human rights groups, NGOs, charities etc write blogs to generate awareness for the cause.
  • How-to, Tip, Reviews: Blogs such as these teach readers about various topics, giving information and sharing tips. 
  • Company Blogs:  Many companies manage a blog and share about their business, products or services. There are blogs on IT products, blogs on HR consultancy services and blogs on career guidance.
Depending on your reason of blogging, you could either be an expert blogger on your subject choice or a business owner. You could write a blog for a company and promote their products and services.
As per the Google searches,the top 5 types of blogs
·        Fashion blogs with 40,500 monthly searches
·        Food blogs with 14,800 monthly searches
·        Beauty blogs with 8,100 monthly searches
·        Travel blogs with 8,100 monthly searches
·        Music blogs with 6,600 monthly searches

Why is it important to have a purpose for your blog writing? There are at least three reasons:
Purposeful writing connects
When you write a blog post with purpose, your readers know it. It shines through in your writing. You are able to meet your readers on a personal level. This is important, because it helps to foster trust, which is an essential part of any blog.
Purposeful writing convinces
If you sit down and haphazardly write a post about why Product X is so grand and why your readers should buy it through your affiliate link, you’re not going to have many sales. To turn readers into buyers, you have to be convinced and passionate about what you’re writing. Writing with purpose means your readers can tell that you really believe in the product you’re recommending.
Purposeful writing changes
When you write with purpose, you have the power to change minds. That can be through a simple addition of knowledge – you’ve changed your reader’s knowledge base. Purposeful blog writing can change an opinion, too. Purposeful writing can, of course, also change a reader into a buyer.
Express Yourself and Share Your Passions
The landscape has changed, but there are still countless blogs that serve as a platform for people to voice their ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Whether your passion is business, personal finance, cooking, politics, photography, or marketing, blogging gives you the opportunity to connect and network with likeminded individuals who share the same passions.
Make A Difference
Some people’s passions lean toward supporting a cause. Whether it’s a political, environmental or social cause, a blog is a great way to build awareness and garner support.
Share Your Knowledge
If you’re someone who loves to teach, starting a blog can provide the opportunity to educate others interested in your field of expertise. The best part is that, as you build resources on your blog to teach others, you may realize there is a chance to monetize your blog by creating educational products or services online.
Refine Your Writing Skills
The more you write, the better you become at it. Most professional bloggers write on a regular basis and therefore analyze and proofread their writing constantly. You may even get feedback from readers to help you become a better writer.
However, being a good writer is not a prerequisite for a successful blog. Many very high profile bloggers are self-proclaimed terrible writers, and part of their success could be attributed to their message of “If I can do it, so can you”.
Learn How To Make Money Online
Most people start out with one blog, but along the way, they gain experience and eventually generate ideas for blogs in other niches. What you learn from your initial blog - the dos and don’ts, marketing strategies that are effective, how to make money blogging, etc. - will help you accelerate the growth of future ventures.
Build Your Professional Network
Blogging is a community-based endeavor, and networking is one reason people engage in it. Whether you are a solopreneur or blogging to market your business, building relationships will facilitate your blog’s growth.
Meanwhile, growing your online network has its own side benefits, such as gaining access to valuable software and tools, seminars, workshops, product unveilings, and other events.
Earn More Exposure
Businesses create blogs primarily to expand their online presence, connect with potential customers, promote their brand in a positive conversation, and even generate online revenue.
Beyond the immediate results, businesses use content marketing to rank their posts in search engines, thereby generating residual leads and revenue.
Become an Authority in Your Industry
A blog can be utilized as a platform to showcase your knowledge and expertise. Publishing blog posts that are accurate, timely, relevant, and informative will eventually get the attention of industry insiders and earn you recognition as an authoritative source and thought-leader.
Build an Online Portfolio
Blogging is a great way for aspiring authors and freelance writers to build up an online portfolio. By showcasing their writing skills on large platforms with expansive reach, freelancers can grow their exposure and sign new clients.
Market Your Business
For companies and entrepreneurs, gaining online visibility is one of the best ways to grow subscribers, leads and ultimately revenue. This can’t be achieved with a static corporate website. Creating blog content that is valuable, helpful, and/or entertaining is an effective way to grow your website’s authority, online rankings, and traffic.

Oh, I can come up with quite a few:
  • Blog as an online diary
  • Blog as a venue for making your voice heard on some matter
  • Blogging as a creative writing endeavor
  • Blogging as self-therapy
  • Keeping in touch with friends and finding new ones
  • Advertising and website promotion
  • Blogging a book to be noticed by a publisher
  • Blog as a tool for teaching and learning
  • Blogging as a tool for working out ideas and thinking in writing
  • Blog as a shareable photo album
  • Blog as a family or travel chronicle
Okay, I think we do it because it’s just a lot of fun.

The purpose of blogging can vary from individual to individual. I have been running a blog since the past few months and have become familiar with various important aspects of blogging.
It all depends on one’s interests and skills to choose a creative field like blogging. These days blogging is being converted from a part time work to a full time profession.
So,few of the common purposes to start blogging are :
  • Some do blogging as a hobby .
  • For some blogging is a passion.
  • Some do it to add to their passive income.
  • Some carry it as a full time profession and earn from it.
  • Some blog to sell their own products and services.
  • You can do it to have an online presence and build a name for yourself.
  • Companies have blogs to promote their products and services and so on.
So,if you have good writing as well as marketing skills,blogging can be a great way to share your thoughts and opinions with people.
But,running a blog is not that easy.Hard work,consistency and patience are the keys to turning your blog into a successful one.

Earlier blogging was like a hobby, as we humans love our hobbies and tend to carry them in almost every field. However, today blogging is undoubtedly beyond hobby. Rather it has become a need in the today’s growing digital world. Every company or business today is engaged into blogging as content is king; so they do need content to promote their products or services online. The purpose of blogging differs from general to individual. If an individual wants to start blogging, then there could be one of the following reasons to do that.
  • Feeling lonely so started a blog to pass the time
  • For writers, having a blogging profile is part of their writing portfolio
  • It is considered high-value to have a blog on any topic
  • Many people want to share their experiences about life, parenthood, travelling, etc.
  • Many people want to see themselves as a writer hence they write and become famous locally, if not nation-wide
  • To publish an array of things like research paper, thesis, or personal story – for all this blogging platforms are free and easy to use
  • Many people feel happy when their blogs are read by people across the world
  • To make money online, blogging is the best and the most easiest way to earn money
  • Many people don’t want to work as a freelance writer hence they start their own blog and get paid through advertisement, affiliate marketing, guest blogging etc.
  • Many people want to practice writing hence they love blogging
  • Most important, people feel relaxed or relieved when emotions, in the form of writing, come out of them.
  • To provide opinion on any news or politics or topic, blogging is the best medium
  • Nowadays it is a fashion or social trend among millennial to have a blog
  • Blogging is becoming a thing of interest online and people want to earn a lot of money by blogging in short period of time.
  • Posting consumer reviews through blogging is a latest fad, especially for e-commerce industry.
  • All the reasons mentioned above are in parlance with the individual blogging. There are two types of blogging personal and professional. Those who do professional one are called content writers, while personal ones are known as bloggers.

Every individual has different purpose for writing a blog.

There are different types of blog people are using.

1. Personal blog:
People are using this blog for personal use like personal dairy.

2. Company blog:
They are promoting their services and product through blog.

3. Tutorial blog:

This types of blog are only for sharing purpose, therefore people are sharing information, tips, guide, their experience through this type of blog.

The purpose of writing a blog differs from blog to blog, and depends on who’s behind the blog.
The purpose of writing a blog for businesses
Businesses use blogs to promote their products or services in the form of detailed and descriptive articles. Business blogs are also usually home to a whole range of useful articles covering topics in their industry. By writing useful blog posts, businesses can use their blogs to position themselves as experts in their industry. They become seen as the authority site, and the ‘go-to’ business in their area of expertise.
The purpose of writing a blog for individuals
Personal blogs serve a whole range of purposes. Whether the blogger decided to start writing a blog to build their online presence, or just as a hobby, writing a blog can boost confidence, put you into contact with new people, and open up new opportunities.
A lot of people think of their blogs as their online portfolio - a showcase of their writing skills, their knowledge, and their ability to engage an audience. So as you can imagine, blogging can improve career prospects.
Some blogs also have a more personal purpose behind them. People often create blogs so that they can share news with friends and family if they move away or go travelling. It’s a great way to keep a whole load of people up to date with your news.
Blogs like these improve confidence in writing and sharing thoughts and opinions, so whatever the main purpose behind them, there are definitely added benefits.

There are many purposes and reason of writing a blog like:
  1. To Express Your Thoughts and Opinions
  2. To Market or Promote Something
  3. To Help People
  4. To Establish Yourself as an Expert
  5. To Connect with People Like You
  6. To Make a Difference
  7. To Stay Active or Knowledgeable in a Field or Topic
  8. To Stay Connected with Friends and Family
  9. To Make Money
  10. To Have Fun and Be Creative

Peoples start Blogging because of numerous reasons. Some blogger treat their blogs as hobby. Others are interested in the potential profitability of blogging. There are some bloggers who makes tons of money by Blogging. These individual inspired loads of peoples around the globe.
Blogging is great instrument to influence minds and options of peoples. Some bloggers merely express and share their thought through blogging.

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