Thursday, October 19, 2017


Title of Manuscript, 14 pt. Century font

John Surname1, Esther Surname 2 and Author Three1,* (10 pt. Century)
1 Affiliation (8 pt. Century)
2 Affiliation (8 pt. Century)
*Corresponding Author: email

Abstract:  A brief summary of approximately 250 – 300 words outlining the background, objectives of the study, the methodology used, key results and conclusions. Manuscripts must be submitted as Word files using the prescribed format. The final paper (extended abstract/full paper) should be no more than six pages in length. Save the manuscript as MS word document and name the file as: Research theme CODE of the paper_Surname of Corresponding Author_First name initial.(dot)Middle initial_PaperX (if corresponding author is submitting more than 1 paper)_VersionY (in cases when you update a former submission)_full paper.
                        Example:   FNH_Santos_J.C_full paper
                                          WCF_Cruz_N.T_Paper2_full paper
                                          HCT_Vidal_M.R_Paper1_version2_full paper

Key Words: up to five key words/terms; separated by semicolons


1.1 Subsection
Main text/Content font: Century. Font size: Section (12 pt), subsection (11 pt), Sub-subsection (10 pt), Main text (9 pt). For the main text (contents) and references, two column formatting is required.
In general, papers will have sections for the introduction, methodology, results and discussions, acknowledgements and conclusions. However, authors may exercise some flexibility in organizing the content of their papers. The paper should be formatted with 1-inch side margins, 1.5-inch top margin and 1-inch bottom margin in standard letter size (8.5” x 11”). The whole paper should be single-spaced and justified.
The introduction should give a brief background of the study, describe relevant developments in the literature to date, and describe the objectives and scope of the study. Indent paragraphs by 0.5-inch.


Figures and tables should be referred to in the text. They should be centered as shown below and must be of good resolution. Where equations are used, adequate definition of variables and parameters must be given, as shown in the example below.

Wi + Sj rij  = Si"i
(Eq. 1)

 unused portion of energy source (i)
 energy supplied from source (i) to demand (j)
 quantity of energy source (i)


                Results should be discussed thoroughly but concisely in this section with the aid of figures and tables whenever necessary.

Fig. 1. Captions should be 9 pt. Century, “Tight” Text Wrapping

                Text within tables should use 9 pt. Century font, as shown in the example below. Tables should as much as possible occupy only one column page. Table headings should be re-indicated for catenated tables.

Table 1. Sample table format

(t CO2/TJ)
(106 t CO2)
Natural Gas



                Citations should be in this format, APA style (Adamo, 1980; Chen and Hwang, 1992; Tan et al., 2005). They should be listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order.


This section must summarize the key findings of the study and describe potential areas for further research.


Please acknowledge funding sources, collaborators or anyone who has helped in the completion paper at the end of the text.

6.  REFERENCES (use APA style for citations)

Berkowitz, R. T., Wadden, T. A., Tershakovec, A. M., & Cronquist, J. L. (2003). Behavior therapy and sibutramine for the treatment of adolescent obesity [Electronic version]. Journal of American Medical Association, 289, 1805-1812.

Carmona, R. H. (2004, March 2). The growing epidemic of childhood obesity. Testimony before the Subcommittee on Competition, Foreign Commerce, and Infrastructure of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Retrieved October 10, 2004, from

Crtiser, G. (2003). Fat land: How Americans became the fattest people in the world. Boston: Hougton Mifflin.

Duenwald, M. (2004, January 6). Slim pickingsL Looking beyond ephedra. The New York Times, p. F1. Retrieved October 12, 2004, from LexisNexis.


Chapter 1. How to Write a Research Paper

What is a research paper? A research paper is a piece of academic writing based on its author’s original research on a particular topic, and the analysis and interpretation of the research findings. It can be either a term paper, a master’s thesis or a doctoral dissertation. This Chapter outlines the logical steps to writing a good research paper. To achieve supreme excellence or perfection in anything you do, you need more than just the knowledge. Like the Olympic athlete aiming for the gold medal, you must have a positive attitude and the belief that you have the ability to achieve it. That is the real start to writing an A+ research paper.


    Choose a topic which interests and challenges you. Your attitude towards the topic may well determine the amount of effort and enthusiasm you put into your research.
    Focus on a limited aspect, e.g. narrow it down from “Religion” to “World Religion” to “Buddhism”. Obtain teacher approval for your topic before embarking on a full-scale research. If you are uncertain as to what is expected of you in completing the assignment or project, re-read your assignment sheet carefully or ASK your teacher.
    Select a subject you can manage. Avoid subjects that are too technical, learned, or specialized. Avoid topics that have only a very narrow range of source materials.


    Surf the Net.
    For general or background information, check out useful URLsgeneral information onlinealmanacs or encyclopedias online such as Britannica. Use search engines and other search tools as a starting point.
    Pay attention to domain name extensions, e.g., .edu (educational institution), .gov (government), or .org (non-profit organization). These sites represent institutions and tend to be more reliable, but be watchful of possible political bias in some government sites. Be selective of .com (commercial) sites. Many .com sites are excellent; however, a large number of them contain advertisements for products and nothing else. Network Solutions provides a link where you can find out what some of the otherextensions stand for. Be wary of the millions of personal home pages on the Net. The quality of these personal homepages vary greatly. Learning how to evaluate websites critically and to search effectively on the Internet can help you eliminate irrelevant sites and waste less of your time.
    The recent arrival of a variety of domain name extensions such as .biz (commercial businesses), .pro, .info (info on products / organizations), .name, .ws (WebSite), .cc (Cocos Island) or .sh (St. Helena) or .tv (Tuvalu) may create some confusion as you would not be able to tell whether a .cc or .sh or .tv site is in reality a .com, a .edu, a .gov, a .net, or a .org site. Many of the new extensions have no registration restrictions and are available to anyone who wishes to register a distinct domain name that has not already been taken. For instance, if is unavailable, you can register as or via a service agent such as
    To find books in the Library use the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog).
    Check out other print materials available in the Library:
    • Almanacs, Atlases, AV Catalogs
    • Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
      • Government Publications, Guides, Reports
      • Magazines, Newspapers
      • Vertical Files
      • Yellow Pages, Zip or Postal Code and Telephone Directories
    Check out online resources, Web based information services, or special resource materials on CDs:
    Check out public and university libraries, businesses, government agencies, as well as contact knowledgeable people in your community.
    Read and evaluate. Bookmark your favorite Internet sites. Printout, photocopy, and take notes of relevant information.
    As you gather your resources, jot down full bibliographical information (author, title, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, page numbers, URLs, creation or modification dates on Web pages, and your date of access) on your work sheet, printout, or enter the information on your laptop or desktop computer for later retrieval. If printing from the Internet, it is wise to set up the browser to print the URL and date of access for every page. Remember that an article without bibliographical information is useless since you cannot cite its source.


Most research papers normally require a thesis statement. If you are not sure, ask your teacher whether your paper requires it.
A thesis statement is a main idea, a central point of your research paper. The arguments you provide in your paper should be based on this cenral idea, that is why it is so important. Do some critical thinking and write your thesis statement down in one sentence. Your research paper thesis statement is like a declaration of your belief. The main portion of your essay will consist of arguments to support and defend this belief.
A thesis statement should be provided early in your paper – in the introduction part, or in the second paragraph, if your paper is longer.
It is impossible to create a thesis statement immediately when you have just started fulfilling your assignment. Before you write a thesis statement, you should collect, organize and analyze materials and your ideas. You cannot make a finally formulated statement before you have completed your reseach paper. It will naturally change while you develop your ideas.
Stay away from generic and too fuzzy statements and arguments. Use a particular subject. The paper should present something new to the audience to make it interesting and educative to read.
Avoid citing other authors in this section. Present your own ideas in your own words instead of simply copying from other writers.
A thesis statement should do the following:
  • Explain the readers how you interpret the subject of the research
  • Tell the readers what to expect from your paper
  • Answer the question you were asked
  • Present your claim which other people may want to dispute
Make sure your thesis is strong.
If you have time and opportunity, show it to your instructor to revise. Otherwise, you may estimate it yourself.
You must check:
  • Does my statement answer the question of my assignment?
  • Can my position be disputed or opposed? If not, maybe you have just provided a summary instead of creating an argument.
  • Is my statement precise enough? It should not be too general and vague.
  • Does it pass a so-called “so what” test? Does it provide new/interesting information to your audience or does it simply state a generic fact?
  • Does the body of my manuscript support my thesis, or are they different things? Compare them and change if necessary. Remember that changing elements of your work in the process of writing and reviewing is normal.
A well-prepared thesis means well-shaped ideas. It increases credibility of the paper and makes good impression about its author.


A research paper basically has the following structure:
  1. Title Page (including the title, the author’s name, the name of a University or colledge, and the publication date)
  2. Abstract (brief summary of the paper – 250 words or less)
  3. Introduction (background information on the topic or a brief comment leading into the subject matter – up to 2 pages)
  4. Manuscript Body, which can be broken down in further sections, depending on the nature of research:
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results (what are the results obtained)
  • Discussion and Conclusion etc.
  1. Reference
  2. Tables, figures, and appendix (optional)
An outline might be formal or informal.
An informal outline (working outline) is a tool helping an author put down and organize their ideas. It is subject to revision, addition and canceling, without paying much attention to form. It helps an author to make their key points clear for him/her and arrange them.
Sometimes the students are asked to submit formal outlines with their research papers.
In a formal outline, numbers and letters are used to arrange topics and subtopics. The letters and numbers of the same kind should be placed directly under one another. The topics denoted by their headings and subheadings should be grouped in a logical order.
All points of a research paper outline must relate to the same major topic that you first mentioned in your capital Roman numeral.
Example of an outline:
 	I.  INTRODUCTION - (Brief comment leading into subject matter - 
                           Thesis statement on Shakespeare)
        II. BODY - Shakespeare's Early Life, Marriage, Works, Later Years
	    A. Early life in Stratford
	         1. Shakespeare's family
	             a. Shakespeare's father
	             b. Shakespeare's mother
	         2. Shakespeare's marriage
                     a. Life of Anne Hathaway
                     b. Reference in Shakespeare's Poems
	    B. Shakespeare's works
	         1. Plays
                     a. Tragedies
                        i. Hamlet
                        ii. Romeo and Juliet 
                     b. Comedies
                        i. The Tempest
                        ii. Much Ado About Nothing
                     c. Histories
                        i. King John
                        ii. Richard III
                        iii. Henry VIII
                 2. Sonnets
                 3. Other poems               
            C. Shakespeare's Later Years
                 1. Last two plays
                 2. Retired to Stratford
                     a. Death
                     b. Burial
                        i. Epitaph on his tombstone
	    A. Analytical summary
                 1. Shakespeare's early life
                 2. Shakespeare's works
                 3. Shakespeare's later years
            B. Thesis reworded
            C. Concluding statement

The purpose of an outline is to help you think through your topic carefully and organize it logically before you start writing. A good outline is the most important step in writing a good paper. Check your outline to make sure that the points covered flow logically from one to the other. Include in your outline an INTRODUCTION, a BODY, and a CONCLUSION. Make the first outline tentative.
INTRODUCTION – State your thesis and the purpose of your research paper clearly. What is the chief reason you are writing the paper? State also how you plan to approach your topic. Is this a factual report, a book review, a comparison, or an analysis of a problem? Explain briefly the major points you plan to cover in your paper and why readers should be interested in your topic.
BODY – This is where you present your arguments to support your thesis statement. Remember the Rule of 3, i.e. find 3 supporting arguments for each position you take. Begin with a strong argument, then use a stronger one, and end with the strongest argument for your final point.
CONCLUSION – Restate or reword your thesis. Summarize your arguments. Explain why you have come to this particular conclusion.


Organize all the information you have gathered according to your outline. Critically analyze your research data. Using the best available sources, check for accuracy and verify that the information is factual, up-to-date, and correct. Opposing views should also be noted if they help to support your thesis. This is the most important stage in writing a research paper. Here you will analyze, synthesize, sort, and digest the information you have gathered and hopefully learn something about your topic which is the real purpose of doing a research paper in the first place. You must also be able to effectively communicate your thoughts, ideas, insights, and research findings to others through written words as in a report, an essay, a research or term paper, or through spoken words as in an oral or multimedia presentation with audio-visual aids.
Do not include any information that is not relevant to your topic, and do not include information that you do not understand. Make sure the information that you have noted is carefully recorded and in your own words, if possible. Plagiarism is definitely out of the question. Document all ideas borrowed or quotes used very accurately. As you organize your notes, jot down detailed bibliographical information for each cited paragraph and have it ready to transfer to your Works Cited page.
Devise your own method to organize your notes. One method may be to mark with a different color ink or use a hi-liter to identify sections in your outline, e.g., IA3b – meaning that the item “Accessing WWW” belongs in the following location of your outline:
	I. Understanding the Internet
	     A. What is the Internet 	 
	           3. How to "Surf the Net"
	                b. Accessing WWW
Group your notes following the outline codes you have assigned to your notes, e.g., IA2, IA3, IA4, etc. This method will enable you to quickly put all your resources in the right place as you organize your notes according to your outline.


Start with the first topic in your outline. Read all the relevant notes you have gathered that have been marked, e.g. with the capital Roman numeral I.
Summarize, paraphrase or quote directly for each idea you plan to use in your essay. Use a technique that suits you, e.g. write summaries, paraphrases or quotations on note cards, or separate sheets of lined paper. Mark each card or sheet of paper clearly with your outline code or reference, e.g., IB2a or IIC, etc.
Put all your note cards or paper in the order of your outline, e.g. IA, IB, IC. If using a word processor, create meaningful filenames that match your outline codes for easy cut and paste as you type up your final paper, e.g. cut first Introduction paragraph and paste it to IA. Before you know it, you have a well organized term paper completed exactly as outlined.
If it is helpful to you, use a symbol such as “#” to mark the spot where you would like to check back later to edit a paragraph. The unusual symbol will make it easy for you to find the exact location again. Delete the symbol once editing is completed.


Read your paper for any content errors. Double check the facts and figures. Arrange and rearrange ideas to follow your outline. Reorganize your outline if necessary, but always keep the purpose of your paper and your readers in mind. Use a free grammar and proof reading checker such as Grammarly or let it be checked by a gramarrian or englisg critic.


1. Is my thesis statement concise and clear?
2. Did I follow my outline? Did I miss anything?
3. Are my arguments presented in a logical sequence?
4. Are all sources properly cited to ensure that I am not plagiarizing?
5. Have I proved my thesis with strong supporting arguments?
6. Have I made my intentions and points clear in the essay?
Re-read your paper for grammatical errors. Use a dictionary or a thesaurus as needed. Do a spell check. Correct all errors that you can spot and improve the overall quality of the paper to the best of your ability. Get someone else to read it over. Sometimes a second pair of eyes can see mistakes that you missed.


1. Did I begin each paragraph with a proper topic sentence?
2. Have I supported my arguments with documented proof or examples?
3. Any run-on or unfinished sentences?
4. Any unnecessary or repetitious words?
5. Varying lengths of sentences?
6. Does one paragraph or idea flow smoothly into the next?
7. Any spelling or grammatical errors?
8. Quotes accurate in source, spelling, and punctuation?
9. Are all my citations accurate and in correct format?
10. Did I avoid using contractions? Use “cannot” instead of “can’t”, “do not” instead of “don’t”?
11. Did I use third person as much as possible? Avoid using phrases such as “I think”, “I guess”, “I suppose”
12. Have I made my points clear and interesting but remained objective?
13. Did I leave a sense of completion for my reader(s) at the end of the paper?


All formal reports or essays should be typewritten and printed, preferably on a good quality printer.
Read the assignment sheet again to be sure that you understand fully what is expected of you, and that your essay meets the requirements as specified by your teacher. Know how your essay will be evaluated.
Proofread final paper carefully for spelling, punctuation, missing or duplicated words. Make the effort to ensure that your final paper is clean, tidy, neat, and attractive.
Aim to have your final paper ready a day or two before the deadline. This gives you peace of mind and a chance to triple check. Before handing in your assignment for marking, ask yourself: “Is this the VERY BEST that I can do?”

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


KAHULUGAN NG PANANALIKSIK            1.       Formulated     in    a    more    comprehensive  form,  research  may   be  defined as a purposive, systematic    and       scientific       process       of   gathering,    analyzing,   classifying,   organizing,  presenting  and interpreting data for the solution of a problem, for prediction, for invention, for the discovery    of    truth,   or     for   expansion     or  verification   of   existing  knowledge,  all  for  the preservation    and   improvement  of  the  quality  of   human  life.   -mula kina Calderon at Gonzales (1993)
2.       Ang pananaliksik ay isang maingat, kritikal, disiplinadong     inquiry  sa  pamamagitan    ng   iba’t – ibang   teknik  at     paraan     batay      sa       kalikasan   at   kalagayan   ng  natukoy  na  suliranin    tungo  sa  klarifikasyon  at  /o resolusyon nito. - Ayon kay Good (1963)
3.       Ang   pananaliksik                ay   isang     sistematikong paghahanap  sa mga  mahahalagang  informasyon hinggil sa isang tiyak na paksa o suliranin. Matapos ang maingat at sistematikong paghahanap ng mga pertinenteng informasyon o datos hinggil  sa  isang tiyak   na  paksa  o  suliranin at  matapos  suriin  at lapatan ng interpretasyon ng mananaliksik ang mga nakalap  niyang  datos  ay  mahaharap sa isa pang esensyal na gawain- ang paghahanda ng kanyang ulat-pananaliksik.             -Aquino (1974)
4.       Ang pananaliksik ay isang proseso ng pangangalap ng mga datos  o   impormasyon      upang      malutas   ang    isang    partikular    na   suliranin sa  isang  syentipikong    pamamaraan .                          -Manuel at Medel, 1976
5.       Ang     pananaliksik    ay    isang sistematikong         pag-aaral            o investigasyon   ng   isang   bagay  sa layuning     masagot       ang        mga katanungan  ng  isang  mananaliksik.                    -Parel 1966
6.             Ang     pananaliksik        ay         isang pagtatangka   upang   makakuha   ng   mga solusyon  sa  mga suliranin, dagdag pa rito ang  pangangalap  ng  mga  datos sa isang kontroladong sitwasyon para sa layunin ng prediksyon at explanasyon.                                       - E. Trece at J.W. Trece (1973)
MGA URI NG PANANALIKSIK1.       Pang- akademya
2.       Pang-agham
3.       Pang-edukasyon
4.       Pamilihan
5.       Pang-kasaysayan
6.       Pangwika
FILIPINO (PANANALIKSIK MODULE 2) MGA KATANGIAN NG PANANALIKSIK·         Sistematiko – Ito’y sumusunod sa maayos at makabuluhang proseso.
·         Kontrolado – Ito’y hindi isang ordinaryong problema na madaling lutasin. Pinaplano itong mabuti at ang bawat hakbang ay pinag-iisipan kaya hindi pwedeng manghula sa resulta.
·         Empirikal – Lahat ng mga datos ay kumpleto na, ang mga ebidensya ay handa na upang mapatunayan o mapasinungalingan ang binuong hipotesis sa umpisa pa lamang ng pagsisiyasat.
·         Mapanuri – Ito’y masusing pag-aaral sa mga datos na kwantitatibo at kwalitatibo.
Ø  Kwantitatibo – nakatuon sa pagkalkula ng mga bilang o istatistikal na metod.
Ø  Kwalitatibo – tumutukoy sa malinaw at tiyak na pagbibigay ng kuro-kuro
·         Obhetibo, walang kinikilingan at lohikal – Ang anumang resulta sa pag-aaral ay may sapat na batayan at hindi salig sa sariling opinyon ng mananaliksik.
·         Ginagamitan ng hipotesis – Ipinakikilala ng hipotesis ang kaisipan ng mananaliksik sa simula pa lamang ng pag-aaral.
Ø  Ayon kay Gay, ang hipotesis ay pansamantala o temporaryong pagpapaliwanag sa isang tiyak na kaasalan, bagay na hindi pangkaraniwan, pangyayaring naganapna o magaganap pa lamang. Ang hipotesis ay tumutukoy sa tiyak na pagpapahayag ng suliranin sa isasagawang pag-aaral.
 Mananaliksik – may mga tungkulin at responsibilidad na dapat isaalang-alang upang maging
matagumpay sa gagawing pananaliksik. KATANGIAN NG ISANG MANANALIKSIK·         Masigasig – Kung hindi masigasig ang isang mananaliksik sa paghahanap ng tamang impormasyon, maaaring mahilaw ang pagtalakay sa gagawing pananaliksik.
·         Masinop – Sikaping maging maayos at organisado ang pagtatala ng mga impormasyon.
·         Masistema – Mahihiwatigan sa kilos at gawi ng manunulat kung nakaprograma ang lahat ng gagawin niya sa oananaliksik.
·         Mapamaraan – Kailangang marunong dumiskarte sa sarili ang mananaliksik.
·         Magaling magsiyasat – Tinitimbang na mabuti kung nararaopat o di-nararapat isama.
·         May pananagutan – Mahalagang isulat  ang pangalan ng mga taong ito upang hindi maparatangan ng pangongopya lamang sa isinulat ng ibang tao.
 RESPONSIBILIDAD NG ISANG MANANALIKSIK·         Huwag mangopya ng mga impormasyong gagamitin sa sulating pananaliksik. Ayon kay Atienza atbp., ang plagiarism ay:
Ø  Tuwirang paggamit ng orihinal na termino o salita na hindi ginamitan ng bantas na panipi at hindi binanggit ang pinaghanguan
Ø  Panghihiram ng mga ideya o pangungusap at pinalitan lamang ang pagkakapahayag ngunit hindi kinilala ang pinaghanguan
Ø  Pamumulot ng mga ideya mula sa iba’t ibang mananaliksik at pinagsama-sama lamang ang mga ito subalit hindi itinala ang pinaghanguang datos
Ø  Pagsasalin ng mga termino na nasa ibang wika na inangkin at hindi itinala na salin ang mga ito
Ø  Pagnanakaw ng bahagi ng isang disenyo, banghay, himig nang hindi kinikilala ang pinagbabatayan ng ibang mananaliksik subalit inangkin na siya ang naghagilap ng mmga datos na ito
·         Humingi ng permiso o pahintulot sa manunulat ng akdang gagamitin sa pananaliksik.
·         Isulat ang pangalan ng manunulat at ang taon ng pagkakalathala ng tekstong pinaghanguan ng ideya o mga impormasyon.
·         Gumawa ng bibliyograpiya sa mga ginamit na sanggunian.
·         Sikaping maging matapat sa paglalahad ng resulta.
·         Sundin ang prosesong inaprubahan ng tagapayo sa paggawa ng pananaliksik.
Ø  Panimula – mababasa dito ang presentasyon o paglalahad  ng suliranin. Binabanggit din sa bahaging ito ang saklaw ng pag-aaral sa paksang pagtutuunan ng pag-aaral.
Ø  Paglalahad ng Suliranin – makikita ang pangkalahatang suliranin ng paksang pag-aaralan. Bukod dito, makikita rin ang mga tiyak na katanungan na kailangang masagot sa sulating pananaliksik.
Ø  Layunin at Kahalagahan ng Pag-aaral – tinatalakay sa bahaging ito ang kahalagahan ng buong pag-aaral at kung ano ang magiging kontribusyon nito sa larangan ng edukasyon at siyensya.
Ø  Batayang Konseptwal/Teoretikal – ipinaliwanag ni Kerlinger na ang teoretikal/ konseptwal na balangkas na kailangan sa isang sulating pananaliksik ay tumutukoy sa set ng magkakaugnay na konsepto, teorya, kahulugan at proporsyon na nagpapakita sa sistematikong pananaw ng phenomena sa pamamagitan ng pagtukoy sa relasyon ng mga baryabol sa paksang pag-aaralan.
Ø  Saklaw at Limitasyon ng Pag-aaralan – inilalahad ng mananaliksik sa bahaging ito kung sino ang tagatugon na gagamitin sa isasagawang pag-aaral, saan at kalian ito gagawin. Ipinaliwanag nina Sevilla atbp. na ang limitasyon ay isang bahagi o aspekto ng pagsisiyasat na makaiimpluwensya sa resulta ng pag-aaral  na maaaring makasama subalit di na ito kontrolado ng mananaliksik.
Ø  Kahulugan ng mga Katawagan – may dalawang paraan.
v  Konseptwal na Pagpapakahulugan – (ayon kina Sevilla atbp.) matatagpuan sa mga diksyunaryo. Ito ay isang akademiko at unibersal na kahulugan ng salita na nauunawaan ng maraming tao.
v  Operasyonal na Pagpapakahulugan – (ayon kay Kerlinger) eksperimental at nasusukat.
Pamantayan sa paghahanap ng mga datos na kailangan sa pananaliksik:Ø  Sikaping makabago at napapanahon ang mga sangguniang gagamitin sa pananaliksik.
Ø  Dapat na may kaugnayan sa isasagawang pananaliksik ang mga kukuning sanggunian.
Ø  Kailangang may sapat na bilang ng mga sanggunian na makatutugon sa paksa.
3.     PAMAMARAAN/ METODOLOHIYAØ  Ipinapaliwanag ng mananaliksik sa bahaging ito ang disensyo o metodolohiya sa pagsasagawa ng pananaliksik na maaaring palarawan, historikal o kaya’y eksperimental.  Ipinapakita rin dito ang paraan ng pagkuha ng datos gaya ng pagbuo ng talatanungan, pagsasagawa ng sarbey, pagmamasid o case study.
4.     PAGSUSURI, PAGLALAHAD O PRESENTASYON AT INTERPRETASYON NG MGA DATOSØ  Tinatalakay sa bahaging ito ang resulta ng pananaliksik.
Ø  Hindi lahat ng ginawa sa pananaliksik ay isinasama sa bahaging ito. Pinipili lamang ang mga mahalagang bahagi na punto ng pag-aaral at inilahad ang konklusyon sa pag-aaral na ginawa.
 MGA HAKBANG AT KASANAYAN SA PANANALIKSIK 1. PAGPILI AT PAGLIMITA NG PAKSA – dapat isaalang-alang ng mananaliksik na makatutulong ang paksang mapipiling pag-aaralan. Ayon kina Atienza atbp., mahalaga na sa simula pa lamang ay limitahan na ang napiling paksa upang hind imaging masyadong masaklaw ang pag-aaral at pagtalakay na gagawin dito. Batayan sa Paglilimita ng Paksa:
Ø  Panahon
Ø  Edad
Ø  Kasarian
Ø  Pangkat na Kinabibilangan
Ø  Anyo/Uri
Ø  Perspektibo
Ø  Lugar
Ø  Paglalatag ng katotohanan ng ebidensya
Ø  Pagbibigay ng cross-reference sa loob ng papel
Ø  Pagpapalawig ng ideya
v  Content notes – talang pangnilalaman
v  Informational notes – talang impormasyonal
Mga Sistema ng DokumentasyonØ  Footnote-bibliography (Sistemang talababa-bibliograpiya) – karaniwang ginagamit sa  larangan ng humanidades at agham panlipunan. Pansining mabuti ang mga ss:
v  Paglalagay ng superscript – Ang superscript  ay isang nakaangat na numerong Arabiko. Inilalagay ito pagkatapos ng salita, grupo ng salita, pangungusap o taltang naglalaman ng hinalaw na ideya o nais bigyang-diin.
v  Pagnunumero ng tala
v  Pagbabantas
v  Indensyon – limang espasyo sa kaliwa, sunod ang superscript, sunod ang isang espasyo at kasunod ang mg impormasyong bibliograpikal
ü  Unang Pagbanggit sa mga Sanggunian  - ibinibigay dito ang kumpletong impormasyong ibiliograpikal. Isinasama ang mga ss:
o    Kumpletong pangalan ng awtor
o    Pamagat ng aklat
o    Editor/Tagasalin
o    Edisyon
o    Bilang ng tomo
o    Lungsod o bansa ng publikasyon
o    Tagapaglimbag
o    Petsa ng Publikasyon
o    Bilang ng tiyak na tomo na ginamit
o    Pahina
ü  Muling Pagbanggit sa Sanggunian
o    gumagamit ng mas maikling pormat: huling pangalan ng awtor at pahina
o    kung may dalawa o higit pang sanggunian: huling pangalan ng awtor, pinaikling pamagat at pahina
o    kung walang nakalagay na awtor: banggitin lamang ang pamagat ng aklat/artikulo  at pahina
o    kung mahigit sa isang awtor: banggitin ang hanggang 3 pangalan ng awtor. Kung may higit sa tatlong awtor: banggitin ang unang pangalan at isunod ng et. al.
o    kung may mga awtor na magkatulad ang huling pangalan: banggitin ang unang pangalan o inisyal
o    kung ang babanggitin ay bahagi ng akdang may maraming tomo: isama ang bilang ng tomo na pinagkunan ng impormasyon
ü  Pagdadaglat na Latin
o    Ibid – ginagamit sa magkasunod na banggit ng iisang sanggunian
o    Op. cit. – ginagamit kung babanggitin muli ang isang sanggunian ngunit hindi magkasunod
o    Loc. cit. – ginagamit kung babanggitin muli ang isang sanggunian at pahina ngunit may pumapagitnang ibang sanggunian
ü  Tala (End notes)  - pinagsama-sama sa katapusan ng papel.
Ø  Parenthetical-reference list (Sistemang parentetikal-sanggunian) – paglalagay ng mga impormasyong bibiliograpikal sa loob ng parenthesis na nasa teksto mismo. Karaniwang ginagamit sa larangan ng agham. Pormat ng Talang Parentetikal:
v  Apelyido o pinaikling pamagat
v  Pahina
Iba pang alituntunin:v  Pahina lamang ang banggitin kung nabanggit na ang awtor sa mismong teksto.
v  Kung higit sa isa ang awtor: banggitin ang pangalan ng lahat ng awtor.v  Kung may apat o higit pang awtor: banggitin lamang ang apelyido ng una at sundan ng et. al.v  Kung pamagat lamang ang naibigay: banggitin ang pinaikling bersyon at pahinav  Kung ang babanggitin ay bahagi ng akdang  may higit sa isang tomo: banggitin ang tomo (tutuldok ang maghihiwalay sa tomo at pahina)
v  Kung may babanggiting dalawa o higit pang akda ng iisang awtor: banggitin na lamang ang akda. 3. PAGSULAT NG BURADOR (Draft-writing) 4. PAGSULAT NG PINAL NA PANANALIKSIK

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