Monday, November 27, 2017


means "giving examples”. 
a.k.a. Illustration or "making ideas clearer by giving examples or by using diagrams or pictures".

is simply proving your point or thesis with examples. 

It uses a list of:
Anecdotes (brief stories)
Other kinds of specific items to make a general statement more understandable, more clear, and/or more convincing.
Exemplification is used in all disciplines. 
Political Science: define a republic and give examples
Literature: analyze a symbol giving examples from a text to support your analysis
Art: Describe a movement in art history and give examples of specific works to illustrate the movement

Features of Exemplification
1.Topic sentence or main idea
2.More vivid examples to prove the point to be true
3.Use transitional words and phrases that signal examples

Logical Order

In an exemplification essay, the most common order 
is EMPHATIC ORDER: Least to most.

Transitional expressions that indicate 

illustration and phrases that signals 


For instance
Another instance of
For example
Another example of
To illustrate
Another illustration of
A case in point is
Here are a few examples
Some instances
One such in particular
Yet another
One illustration of this idea
But, through, etc.

Types of Examples 

1.Examples that illustrate - use 
concrete examples to illustrate 
an idea.
2.Examples that explain - give an 
explanation to illustrate a concept.
3.Examples that tell a story - use a 
short story to illustrate a point.
4.Examples that describe - use 
examples to make help the reader 
visualize a scene or a thing.

Length of Examples

Brief. Appear frequently within the 
essay, and function as concrete 
examples of straightforward ideas.

Extended. Contain more details 
because extended examples 
function as concrete illustrations of 
ideas that are too complex to be 
made clear by a brief example. 

     Sometimes children must 
perform important 
tasks within the family.  
Children can be of great 
assistance to their parents and 
other family members. 

  (First Example) For example, 
they may help by cleaning the 
household, washing dishes, 
taking care of pets, or through 
doing other chores. By doing 
these tasks, children are doing 
their part in the family and 
learning how to be responsible 
and prepare for life. 
  (Second Example)Another 
example of children performing 
important tasks is the help they 
provide the parents while the 
parents are busy or working; 
the children might bring the 
parents something they need or 
answer the phone while the 
parents are busy. Children doing 
chores are helping take stress 
off their parents even by doing 
simple tasks such as taking out 
the trash. 

  (Final Example) A final 
example is that as children get 
older, they may do more 
important tasks for the family, 
such as baby-sitting siblings, 
getting groceries, and mowing 
the lawn.(Conclusion) These 
chores all help the family 
greatly and teach children 
valuable life lessons.

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