Sunday, June 24, 2018

DIFPRODEF POEM by Nel Versoza 6, 24, 2018, 9pm

DIFPRODEF POEM by Nel Versoza 6, 24, 2018, 9pm
(Sample Personalized Poem)
Oh! Miscellaneous: various, mixed,
Accede: to consent and give a fixed.
Don’t Debauch from virtue or corrupt morally,
Just Espouse: to follow and support an idea or theory
Avoid Fatuousness: foolishness in devoid of intelligence
Have Hegemony: authority, leadership, or influence.
Be not Mischievous: naughtily annoying so, troublemaking,
Be the Panacea: a cure or solution for all the glitching.
You have your own Pulchritude: beauty and comeliness,
Remain Quixotic: extreme extravagant, aromanticness.
Decalet or 10 lines: AABBCCDDEE Pattern
DIFPRODEF: DIFficult to PROnounce DEFinition POEM
- An inspirational poem of definition in decalet rhyming pattern with difficult to pronounce words.


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