Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Online Systems, Functions, and Platforms

¨a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method. Ex. Online Shopping System

¨If you can program it, then it’s a platform. If you can’t, then it’s not.” - Marc Andreessen

Online Platforms in ICT
¨It makes it easier for users to interact, to collect, and use the data from the user’s interactions for their own particular needs.

Online Platform Categories
1.Social Media
2.Search Engines
4.Services Payment
5.Systems Advertising Platforms
6.Creative Content Outlets

Web Search Engines
¨It is a software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web (WWW). The search results are generally presented in a line of results referred to as Search Engine Results Page (SERPs).

Top 10 Search Engines (2016)
¨1. Google
¨2. Bing (Microsoft)
¨3. Yahoo (No. 1 email provider)
¨4. (Ask Jeeves)
¨5. (America Online)
¨6. Baidu (China)
¨7. Wolframalpha (Computational Knowledge Engine)
¨8. DuckDuckGo (simple)
¨9. Internet Archive (histories of a domain)
¨10. (similar to

Communication Services
¨These are outsourced enterprise communications solutions that can be leased from a single vendor or provider. A Communications Service Provider (CSP) is a provider that transports information electronically and can encompass public and private companies in telecom, internet, cable, satellite, and managed services business. Ex. Telecommunications & Internet

Payment System
¨It is any system used to settle financial transactions through transfer of monetary value, and includes the institutions, instruments, people, rules, procedures, standards, and technologies.

Advertising Platforms
¨It allows users to create and manage advertising campaigns, generate reports, and retrieve information about the ads, campaigns, and organizations that are associated with an account.

Creative Content Outlets
¨It is content that needs to be translated creatively.

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